Tue 31.Oct.2023
Rhodes, GR
Imagery Paris FR, Sep 2023
Rhodes GR, Oct 2023

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Paris, FR

You don't fly direct from SFO to Rhodes. You transfer in Paris or Frankfurt, and again in Athens.

I soon learned not to do the whole thing in one brutal push. In warm seasons I cadge a few days in Paris. Even in Winter, I break for a night at an airport hotel.

This year, I pushed my luck with late September in Paris. Miraculously, it was bright and reasonably warm. Just as well - my jacket was still in California. (Oops!)

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Rhodes, GR

It is only a matter of time before I will need to replace that jacket here in Rhodes. but this is not that day - not even at the end of October! (Some Finnish friends have already come here from there. They plan on staying well into Spring!)

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A cheap new jacket will be easy to find here. As in many European countries, cheap clothes come from "Chinese shops", and there are several big ones in walking distance.

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A bigger issue is photographic! My trusty cheap travel camera died in my second week here. I wear cameras pretty hard, so I get cheap ones, and expect to replace them. Not so easy these days - stores just don't carry ordinary cameras any more! Omnia mutantur and all that!

I've been working on using my phone camera as a replacement, and some of today's pix are phone pix, but I haven't really got the hang of it yet.

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After some asking around, I found a shopkeeper (in the tourist trap district!) that offered to find and order me a replacement camera. After a week, he showed me the specs of what he had found; this week I should be able to collect it! It probably helps that the shopkeeper (and his wife) remembered me from previous winters. Stay tuned!

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Shop windows are a photographic challenge - the outside is brighter than the inside, so the reflection drowns out the subject. This is what a polarizing filter is for, but you don't get those on point-and-shoot travel cameras. So let's just pretend that I wanted artsy reflection photos.
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A funny furrin' spelling of a familiar name - Isabel Allende
Notice that Greek has no single letter for the B-sound. (Beta is the V-sound.) By convention, the combination mu-pi represents "b".

Similarly, nu-tau represents the D-sound, because Delta is pronounced as a voiced "th".

The sign on the umbrella reads OLD TOWN of Rhodes by night
That is probably meant in jest. The Van Gogh art depicts Arles, France.

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All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf