Sat 14.Oct.2023
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery - Bratislava SK, Vienna AT, Paris FR, Rhodes GR

Friday night in Rhodes, and, like most weekend evenings, my local wi-fi connection is sputtering in and out. I speculate that The provider's bandwidth is being strained by all the bars streaming sports or movies. OTOH, I just finished a yummy pub canelloni!

At the start of October, I arrived in Rhodes. I celebrated by shortening my convertible trousers, hanging my flannel shirt on a peg on the wall, and taking my socks off. (I am old and fat; I only take my socks off if I am unlikely to put them back on anytime soon.) Let's hear it for the southern Mediterranean climate!
Today, three weeks past the Equinox, the season caught up with me. Trousers back to long, socks back on under my sandals, flannel shirt over my tshirt. It was nice while it lasted!

Tonight's pictures are a hasty recap of the couple of months since I last posted from Slovakia. That covers less actual travel than it sounds; I spent five weeks at home base in California, including my 60th(!) high school reunion.

Bratislava, SK
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You can't beat that, even in Slovakia!

Does Bratislava really need YA shiny new shopping mall? Not mine to say, but I will observe that the developers are at least starting to compete on design. (The early post-communist malls were embarassingly ugly.)

Did the old Communist-era bus station have arguably more character than its new replacement? I've heard the case made. There is no denying the new mall-version offers far better snacks, groceries and supplies. And clean and free rest rooms, and an actual public park on the roof.

Vienna, AT
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Paris, FR
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Did you ever wish you could be one of those classic Paris photographers from a century ago?

Try shooting (or post-processing) in black-and-white. A lot of the city doesn't look that different now than it did then!

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Luxembourg Gardens, as nice a city park as you could ask for.

Bocce ball...

...and the Medici fountain.

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Place de la Nation would be a flashy entrance to the city, if anybody actually entered there.

The lion of Place Denfert-Rochereau was sculpted by the artist who made the Statue of Liberty.

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I am not touching a straight line like TOOT Bus!

Our old friend, the Green Coulee, aka Promenade Plantee. A park that used to be a railway trestle.
This part seems to have yet another name.

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This was the end of September, and Paris was - miraculously! - comfortbly warm and dry!
And broken clouds, which counts as sunny in this city.

Rhodes, GR
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Rhodes harbor is always a mother lode of wiggle-water pictures. I'll surely be posting those soon, but tonight, representational photography wins the day.

Next: Mostly Rhodes
Prev: Bratislava Kaleidoscope -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf