Sat 18.Feb.2023
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery - February 2023

One more Saturday night, and Home Sweet Pub is warm and people-ful, even without live music! Must be the heat wave - today's high soared up to about 61 F (16 C). A pair of old Swedes swore it was in the 70's in their garden - they must have better smoke than I do!

That said, it would be churlish to grumble about such a beautiful day - just keep yr jacket on still!
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Different island groups have their own styles. Whitewashed cubism is a real trademark of the Cyclades, up in the central Aegean. Those white cubes do get around though; this one looks almost dropped-down amidst the sandstone tones of Rhodes.

A bundled-up soul makes his way out the San Francisco gate.

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The sign in the window says "FOR RENT". Is the Albtross Cafe simply closed for the Winter, as is normal in this part of town, or have they folded up the tent? If you are here after spring break, you can find out.

Literally, the words say "Harbor Body", at least to a naive furriner. In combination, they mean Coast Guard.

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It's ripple time at the Akandia shore, near the ferry pier...

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... and under the stone wall at the Kolonna harbor breakwall.

Some images just evoke lyrics!
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"The Sun's going down!"

"No, no, m'boy! The horizon's moving up!"

-- Firesign Theatre

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"Silhouetted by the sea..."
- Dylan, Mr Tambourine Man

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There has been a veritable parade of planets across the sky this season.
Venus, Jupiter, and Mars have all been bright and beaming since I arrived in October.

Here are Venus (low over the right-hand side of the street) and Jupiter (just under the top of the arch.

"Where's the Dog Star?"
- J. Barlow

Funny you should ask - that is it (aka Sirius) near the tree, to the right of Suleiman's mosque.

Next: Off to See the Lizzer
Prev: The Coldest Month of the Mildest Winter -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf