Wed 22.Feb.2023
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery - Feb 2023

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Todays favorite new word in Greek is saura = lizard, as in dinosaura.
Actually, the little guy I found in my room yesterday is more of a sauraki, i.e. a diminutive lizard. (lizardlet?)

Sadly, I didn't think to get the little guy's photo before I 86'd him to the outdoor stairs, and then distracted the cat who came over to see what I was up to!

I wake up in the medieval old city, and I'm off to see the lizard!

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A slightly short stack of pictures tonight, but I like them so here they are, even if they are nothing we haven't seen the like of before.

Visual stuff that we wierded beardos did chemically in the goodle 60's, is done with digital image processing here in The Future (It's Starting Now!). Such is life on the Carousel Of Progress.

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All across the Aegean I see these cool combination weather vane / chimney covers. The base pivots, and the wind turns the "bird", protecting the chimney from rain, and showing the wind direction at the same time.

Here on Rhodes, where the default weather always comes from the Northwest, it is often useful to know when it is coming from somewhere else. From the South can mean rain on the way; from the North can mean cold fierce winds.

With the standard Northwest wind, just check today's weather in Athens; it will be our weather tomorrow.

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A back-street hill by the Red Gate commands a fine view across the Old City.

That is the Grandmasters' Palace across the way.

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Stalking prey? More likely picking his footing over that branch.

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Cats on a warm tin roof, so to speak.

Tonight's planet pic features our old friend Venus ("di Rodo"), hanging out near the top of the frame, high over St Spyridon's church spire.

There may be more Rhodes pictures coming, but these are the last ones I'll be posting from here.
Sunday I am in the air, for a Tuesday arrival in California.
Sounds like a long time for such a trip?
I have learned not to do the whole route in one brutal marathon push!
One night at Athens, another at Paris Airport (CDG).
(In February I have no incentive to cadge a day or two in the (cold, dark, wet) city itself.
Save that stuff for Spring or Summer.)
Bon Voyage!

Next: Syracuse, Sicily
Prev: Higher Lows and Other Oddness -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf