Mon 13.Feb.2023
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery - February 2023

It is mid-February, and once again I am a short-timer in Rhodes.
In two weeks, i'll be waking up in California, where Accuweather says (incredibly!) that it is about as friggin' cold as here.
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The medieval moat, and its bridge at the San Francisco gate. Maps usually label it the St Athanasiou gate, but if you call it that, people may not know what you mean. It is named today for the Catholic church of St Francis, just outside the moat.

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The Sun was so brilliant today, and the breeze so faint, that it looked like Spring, if you could forget that you and everybody else are bundled up in layers enough to look like the Michelin Man. *kvetch* *grumble*

Don't panic - you may remember that I perform pretty much this rant every year at about this time.

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Earlier in the week, the icy wind, howling across the water from Turkey, made for choppy water in Rhodes harbor. The local ferries did not sail those days.


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A public Christmas decoration that outlived its season, and lasted through January.

The fountain in the major Old Town square runs year round.

The not-always-silent majority.
Do you know a genetics major looking for a project idea? Rhodes could really use either an oral contraceptive for cats, or a gene drive. The furry guys are adorable individually, but severe over-population means homelessness and food insecurity for the majority of them. To say nothing of being outdoors and cold in the Winter.

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The Golden Hour
at its most golden in Winter, when the sun is low.
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An old tower and a new one.

A rainy day creates a nice pre-sunset over the Aegean.

And to all a good night!

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Prev: Stones, Cats, Light -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf