Fri 03.Feb.2023
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery - jan 2023

One more Friday night in a simpatico Greek pizza pub.
Live music is about to start, and I am hacking away on tonight's bunch of Winter travel pictures.
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February is here, the season in Rhodes of the clear bright days with an icy north wind!

The rain gets its turn too - it is still Winter - but this is the month when you more notice the cold. Even a Finninsh friend has been griping about it, and she was raised with antibodies!

Me, I'm just grateful for the electric blanket my host friend came up with for me!

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Down by the Water

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The little park in front of ...

... the aquarium.

(In a family-rated blog, I have nothing to say about that human figure!)

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Can you overdo the cat pictures?

We'll find out here and now!

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Waddya know - it's evening already!

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Moon rising over the St Paul Gate.

St Spyridon's little Byzantine ex-church sits between home and the little supermarket. A natural source of sunset pictures after I stop for groceries at the end of a day.

Next: The Coldest Month
Prev: Hail The New (Year) -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf