Sat 28.Jan.2023
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery - Jan 2023

January - it's here!
The month is almost gone already, but the pictures are here.
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Where better to start than Moonrise at Mandraki?

And the Wood Between The Worlds (my name - after C.S. Lewis), between the medieval and modern cities here.

In medieval times, this was the glacis, a zone around the moat, stripped bare of cover. Any besieger hoping to come within cannon's reach of the walls would be an easy target for the defenders'fire.

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Rain has been fairly scarce, but some of it has been intense. Poured down so hard that I mistook the sound for hail outside!

Then - mere hours later - a brilliant cloudless afternoon! Go figure!

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Signs of the city.

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The Norsk part of town, with its subtle distinction between original and first and genuine.

For all I know, they might have the same owners. If you know the straight poop, feel free to tell me!

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Cast thine eyes...



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Curiously, each day since the new year began, the time of sunset here has been one minute past 5:00pm for each day of the year. E.g. on January 1, the sun set at 5:01 pm. On the 10th, at 5:10 pm, etc. Is Rhodes at exactly the right latitude for this trick? It cannot last; the rate of change accelerates as we approach the equinox. Geography can be wierd!

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Today's Bird Theme



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There was no hurry in removing this season's Xmas decorations. This pic was snapped well after Epiphany.

Do not be hasty - that is Island Time for you!

Next: Rhodes - Stones, Cats, Light
Prev: Fast Away (the old year pass-ed) -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf