Fri 20.Jan.2023
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery Dec 2022

Fast away the old year pass-ed!
Tonight's pictures are the last of 2022.
(Just when you thought '22 was over and done!)
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Another Friday night in Rhodos! Live music has drawn a quorum and more of people into Home Sweet Pizza Bar in the medieval Old City. Tonight's pickings are acoustic. Standard juke box songs, but the musicians play their own way, serving the music, not the records. Enjoyable stuff, over a transcendant dinner of stuffed local mushrooms. What more could I ask - ('cept maybe 10 degrees of warm - picky picky)?

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A plaque here says this was a Byzantine fortification. Roman stuff is usually called Byzantine here. Legitimately, because we are in the eastern half of the empire.)

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Local Flora.

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Evening light on nature's own fractal sculpture. Worth a second look.

My old Thursday street market, outside the Red Gate, is a sad wraith of its old self,
Fortunately the much bigger Saturday market, near the town cemetery, is still going strong.

I scored jackpot with a jar of local chestnut honey. (Thyme and pine honey are everywhere here - chestnut takes some scrounging.) Every yogurt should have its honey!

Visiting Friends
who can no longer visit me.
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Mother nature contributed lighting on christmas Eve, at the (huge) city cemetery.

I found the friend I mainly came to visit, and left some flowers in his memory.
R.I.P. file mou!

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Local Fauna.

It would not surprise me if cats outnumber humans, at least in the Old City.

Here are tonight's pictures of them!

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From my front porch!
He lives in the neighborhood somewhere.

Next: Hail The New
Prev: The Days Between 2022 -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2023 Jeff Bulf