Tue 27.Dec.2022
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery - December 2022

Rhodes bills itself as The Island of the Sun - arguably rightly so.
Even here, there is a season when rain puddle pictures are the order of the day.
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A neighborhood puddle, as the rain lets up.


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Here we are; with Christmas done, the old year is effectively over; the new year is not yet here.

Welcome to The Days Between!

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For my part, this is a time I quit thinking about dieting. My local host family stuffed me properly on Christmas Day, and they plan on doing so again on New Year's Day (Protochronia in the local naming.) You don't argue with Greek hospitality, even if you were silly enough to want to.

Think of it as a warm antidote for the cold season.

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These are the shortest days of the year, with the lowest Sun. The Golden Hour before sunset is at its most golden.

All weeks have the same number of days, but the week with the shortest days is still just as long as any of the other weeks.

Some paradox, that!

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Everybody have a warm and peaceful Winter season, with whatever celebrations and holidays are yours!

See you in a few days, or maybe next year!

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf