Sun 18.Dec.2022
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery - November 2022

Live Greek music tonight in the courtyard - easy earshot from where I am sitting. The music is a mournful (Greeks would say soulful) traditional style. One of the songs always gets my attention because it mentions one of the first Greek words I ever learned - kafedaki - a little cuppa coffee! As I have come to understand more of the words, the song turns out to be far from an anthem. More like crying-in-your-beer music. But I still have a soft spot for it.
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Sign Spotting

Inside the Red Gate in the Old City. I remember this as a real live greengrocer's, before Austerity. The premises have stood empty for eight or ten years now, the sign still there.

I recently learned that the owners have another branch, still alive in a different neighborhood - heartening news!

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Evening at two adjacent harbors.

The main tourist harbor...

... and Kolonna, harbor - private boats and the Dodekanese inter-island ferries.

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Tonight's wiggle water pictures!

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A potted plant in my regular coffee spot. Both pot and plant are missing now, moved aside for remodeling.

Winter afternoon in the medieval moat, near San Francisco Gate.

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A picturesque restaurant with some forgettable name, near the entrance to Mandraki harbor.

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Both of these restaurnts have closed for the Winter now (December). Yiannis' is the best bang for the buck that I know in the old city - honest - and good - family cooking, just on the edge of the tourist trap district. I'm not a real eater-outer, but I make a point of treating myself , and if possible a friend, to at least one dinner here each time I come.

This place is further from me, close to the cruise ship pier, in Jewish Martyrs Square. Before the nazi occupation, this was the jewish market square, in their quarter of town. The occupiers deported and murdered most of the neighborhood's people. There is a monument to the victims in the square now. Nonetheless the square today is a lively tourist area in season.

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Let's go out tonight with two familiar scenic views - classic Rhodes!

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf