Fri 09.Dec.2022
Rhodes, Greecce
Imagery - November 2022

No theme or message tonight. Just the sights of wandering around the increasingly wintery city of Rhodes a few weeks ago.

Tonight, both Jupiter and Mars blaze in the midnight sky, amongst the bright winter stars. No pictures of that here - I am not set up for astro-photography.

OTOH the daytime stuff isn't bad. Here we go!
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Eye of the beholder!

Context matters!
And point of view!

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Waves in the water!

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If you take the schlocky souvenirs literally, the ancient Colossus of Rhodes would have stood with his feet where those two deer statues are. He'd have dreaded the occasional tall-masted ship!

Serious historians think this is unlikely; they put him with both feet together on one side or the other of the harbor entrance.

Overnight to Piraeus!

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Balls to the wall in the medieval moat.

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A little residential street inside the old city wall.

A family with a porpoise in life.

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Partly cloudy.

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Winter light in the Wood Between The Worlds, my name (after C. S. Lewis) for the park-like strip between the modern city and the medieval moat and walls.

Sunset behind St Spyridon's Byzantine church.

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf