Sat 19.Nov.2022
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery - October 2022

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If you keep on making your way toward Rhodes, it is only a matter of time.
Here I am in Rhodes.

Tonight we start at that mother lode of wiggle water pictures, Mandraki Harbor.

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How a fish sees a self-proclaimed enemy.

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October is still cruise ship season. Sometimes three at once. I think somebody may have been feeding them.

Goodness knows the ships feed plenty of the local people. I am told that this season has been better even than people hoped for, allowing some recovery from the tourist disaster that was covid.

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The ridge behind town - called Monte Smith(!) - is home to the ancient acropolis, spectacular views of the Aegean and Turkey, and the low-profile little Chapel of St Nikolas.

Only a sign marks the path from the highway down to the small dell.

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I didn't see other humans, but empty cat dishes and a dozen or so well-nourished felines suggest that this place is cared for.

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On the outskirts of Kremasti village, a fully functional highway bridge carries traffic to Rhodes airport - finally! In the 13 years I have been coming here, the bus always crossed that creek by a detour. This year I heard a story. A company gets the contract to build the bridge; the company takes the money and, after a decent interval, declares bankruptcy. Company gets money, nobody gets bridge. Da capo and repeat.

Kremasti finally has its bridge. Perhaps the Acropolis will someday complete the Temple of Apollo.


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San Francisco Gate
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Coming in.

Coming out.

Five hundred years ago this year, Suleiman the Magnificent entered the city of Rhodes through this gate, after a long and bloody siege.
The losers moved on and became the Knights Of Malta.
I expected that the five hundredth anniversary of such a landmark event would generate a lot of commemoration. Nada - not a word!
Go figure!

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf