Fri 25.Nov.2022
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery - October 2022

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It is late November, and the Island Of The Sun has given us some rain, but still delivers more Sun than most of Europe gets at this time of year.

Sun yes, but warm is something else again. The Warm is fast dwindling. Tomorrow I will make my annual climb up a ladder to remove and clean the air filters on my air heater. A doubly important task, now that Greece has - by a long shot(!) - the most expensive electricity in the EU.

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This floating souvenir shop in Kolonna harbor shuttered up for the Winter at the start of November. I haven't noticed whether they re-open on days when cruise ship are here. The ships carry so few passengrs these days that you hardly notice them in the Old City.

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'Tis the Time of Transition - from the Fellini-like bustling kaleidoscope of Summer, toward the Bergman-esque stillness of medieval streets in Winter.

The square root of a negative time - an imaginary time if ever there were one!

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The south end of the medieval moat opens on to the ferry harbor.

The Virgin Gate exits the old city at the tourist harbor.

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Shadow Theater

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The now-aptly named Windy Beach

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At the little Chapel Of St Nicholas.

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"The sun's going down!"

"No, no m'boy - the horizon's moving up."

- Firesign Theatre

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf