Fri 18.Feb.2022
Rhodes, Greece

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We had a couple of cold weeks in January here in Rhodes. Cold, but many of the days were still brilliantly clear. Somehow, a huge number of reflection pictures jumped out at me - enough that this page is purely water fantasy.

So ... in memory of Claude Monet, Jackson Pollock, and Owsley Stanley ... here we go!

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Some of these are representational, or at least recognizable.

A lamp post on the Kolonna Harbor side of the St Paul Gate.

The archway that always floods. It's higher neighbor usually remains passable. At the St Paul Gate.

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The harbors, Mandraki and Kolonna.

We'll be here for the rest of the page.

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Boatloads of yachts.

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I took the sweet old foster cat to the vet again today for his follow-up. The doctor was pleased - the injured eye has avoided infection, and the ulcer is shrinking.

It isn't yet clear who will inherit the job of eye-dropping the cat when I leave on Tuesday. There was a learning curve in doing that, for both me and the cat.

Fortunately, the real house cat has been uncharacteristically forbearing toward the poor injured guy. Cross those fingers!

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf