Sun 06.Feb.2022
Rhodes, Greece

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February - I am a short-timer in Rhodes again. Including the voice that is antsy to be on the road and in the air, and the voice that says in February it is crazy to leave Rhodes for anyplace, except maybe Hawaii. A babel of inner voices here, but in two weeks and a bit, the whole gang of me goes!

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Mind you, these are still December pictures. This year's Rhodes pix should keep me busy through March in California.

Believe it or not, there is an actual outdoor medieval street between between these two rooms at a local bakery.

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I got our foster cat to the vet yesterday. His eye has an ulcer and a damaged cornea. I now have some drops and cream, which I need more practice at administring. A friend is coming tomorrow to help.

The poor old cat kept his cool pretty well, travelling in the Old Town, but started meowing non-stop when we got out into the noise of the city. Couldn't stop all the way to the vet clinic and back. (He did calm down and cooperate in the examining room - this vet is good with cats!) Coming home, the meowing suddenly stopped as we crossed the stone bridge into the Old Town. He rode peacefully on home! Knew where he was - and knew that home was where he was going!

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Do I need to identify the beautiful minaret of Ibrahim Pasha's Mosque?

The tourist port, looking modest without any cruise ships.

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After all these years, I recently noticed this plaque, identifying the Virgin Gate, one of the eleven(?) gates into the Old City.

Sea Crow

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Some restored historic ship, on a goodwill cruise to Rhodes from Russia. If I understand the sign, the beautiful old thing belongs to some non-governmental historical organization.

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Let's go out tonight on some late-light looks from the harbors!

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf