Sat 29.Jan.2022
Rhodes, Greece

A slightly less cold day on The Big Island.
A hot homemade soup is warming my belly.
Monday, I'll take our sweet old foster cat to the vet, in hope that his swollen eye is treatable. He is a sweet old guy, camping out with us since his human had to leave, to care for an aging parent in Texas, of all places.

Tonight's pictures are still from December.
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If my words did glow ...

Hippocrates Square, in the Old Town.

One of the harbors.

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Hibisci in the old Jewish Quarter.

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Late afternoon at Mandraki Harbor.

Mobile signspotting in a medieval setting.

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Mandraki Harbor on a bright afternoon ...

... always good for some water wiggles.

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This one is probably really the Tourist Harbor. Water is water ...

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A winter day

Bare trees

Acandia Beach, by the boatyard.

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(Biggus) ficus


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The overnight ferry for Piraeus

The ferry gets you there, but is not the way to make a mid-day flight from Athens airport. Harbor congestion at Piraeus causes late arrivals, and Athens traffic makes a crapshoot of the trip across the city. Even the Metro is not infallible.
Better to fly from the island. At least you arrive at Athens on the same side of town as the airport.

We are done for tonight.
Hasta next time!

Next: February in Rhodes
Prev: A Mild December -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf