Thu 27.Jan.2022
Rhodes, Greece

December's photos, from a January so cold that Rhodians are posting snow pictures!
Yesterday there were several from up in the mountains.
Today from the beach at Faliraki, about ten miles away!
If this be global warming, I want my money back.

Tonight we look back on December. T'weren't tropical, but it looks pretty balmy right now!

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The Old City abounds in momentary cool views as you are wandering the streets.

Here is a corner with a missing house.

A random glimpse of Ibrahim Pasha's minaret from an intersection.

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Christmas week was still fairly balmy.

Notice all the short sleeves and trousers.

The amphitheater in the medieval moat.

These steps lead nowhere in particular, but they are a favorite hang-out spot, a Rhodes-scale version of the Spanish Stairs in Rome.

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A short pedestrian street in the old city.

A de-facto dog park in the moat, under the D'Amboise Gate.

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A random tourist couple add composition to an otherwise-sterile view through an arch at the ruined Church of the Virgin of the Burgh.

The reliably picturesque breakwater of the Tourist Harbor.

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Mandraki Harbor.

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All tuxedo-ed up and no place to go - a corvid in the time of covid.

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In a normal year, this bakery would be awash in customers from the nearby bar street. Now they close at 9:00, and often look like an Edward Hopper scene. They are decent folks, and I like their pastries and coffee. I stop there for both when I can.

The next page o' pix is already laid out. When it goes up depends mostly on when I come up with the words for it.
Buona Notte, everybody!

Stay Warm!

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf