Sat 15.Jan.2022
Rhodes, Greece

As we slip slowly away from the Solstice, the light is starting to last just a bit longer in the evening. Last week's rain has given way to several days of brilliant cold sun. If you are making Greek small talk, the operative word is kryo, as in "cryogenic". Weather sites say it is really 40's and 50's F. Why does it feel so frigging deep-freezy?! I'm gonna blame it on the humidity, so I can quit talking about it and move on to something else.
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Akousilaou Square, about 100 m. from home in the Old City. Small, but packed full of picturesque places to point your camera. I could probably fill a whole page with photos from this one little plateia

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Dreamin' on a Winter day.

Cats Under the Cars.
Any cat that sleeps like that must be alright.

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Eating crow.

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A small cafe / pastry shop near the local stadium.
Good Greek coffee, and baklava to match.

The night has eyes in the medieval city.

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A small 3-dimensional tower lives in a 6-dimensional space. When the little tower visits our dimension(s), distortions at the interdimensional interface cause a mirage-like wobble.

A light at dusk, by a gate on the old city wall.

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All content copyright 2022 Jeff Bulf