Sat 29.Dec.2018
Rhodes, Greece

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Zwischen den Jahren - Between the Years this time is called in German; the week after Christmas and before the New Year begins.

Some of us also call it The Days Between. Here in Rhodes, I can call this time pretty much anything I choose. The time is ... now!

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After a mostly grey and rainy December, we have had a run of about three bright, beautiful, *cold* days! Wind from the North ... cooling off on the snow-covered Anatolian mountains, before it flows across the channel and whomps into us.

Not that tonight's pictures prove it. They are mostly from October and November. One is even from last January. They are all Rhodes, so I'll call them legitimate.

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I spent a week in California at the start of December for medical check ups. All the medical stuff came out wonderfully OK, and I got a couple of neat pictures from the plane window on the return flight.

I deliberately scheduled that mini-adventure to be just *before* the end of the year flying nightmare. A night in Frankfurt reminded me why I don't do European Winters without a good reason!

Got a really nice airborne sunrise out of that return flight.

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Christmas itself featured the now-traditional Greek feast with my host family here. Goat, turkey, kebap meatballs, a bunch of Greek dishes I don't know the names of ...

... a fine ole holiday time!

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A happy end of 2018 to everybody!
See you next year!

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All content copyright 2018 Jeff Bulf