Fri 14.Dec.2018
Rhodes, Greece

Buncha delayed pictures tonight - I've spent a couple of weeks running around doing scheduled medical stuff.
Later: for the last four days I have had a bestonkered cold. Burning through kleenex like it was chocolate. *sigh*

So tonight's pictures come from mid-November here in Rhodes, before the current rainy spell set in.
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A Day Trip to Koskinou
My friend and fellow furriner discovered
this village south of Rhodes City. We rode the city bus down there together
for an afternoon. A lovely place.

We will be in Koskinou for most
of the rest of this page.

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In Vienna or Bratislava I ride the local busses all the time. Here in Rhodes, I rarely set foot in them. Who knows why? Maybe because there is plenty of distraction within walking distance. My friend rides the busses here a lot, He puts me to shame in his explorations outside the city!

I have learned that when he suggests a destination, it is worth going.

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Some kind of museum -
an old-style island home.

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This picture really ought to
have a cat in it somewhere.

That is it for Koskinou. We had a coffee, and rode the bus back to Rhodes City.

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Is there really any point in monkeying with the colors in a puddle picture?
The idea was to look more like a painting, but it feels like overkill.

Next: Between the Years
Prev: Sun for a Rainy Day -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2018 Jeff Bulf