Wed 09.Jan.2019
Rhodes, Greece

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This page will be the last of the 2018 pix. This year's are not piling up very fast, thanks to cold and rainy weather so far, but it is time to clean house. 2018 has become so-o last year!

Between the years, we had a spell of clear, windy days. Choppy surf, even in the harbors, and the mountains across the channel looking close and sharp.

It could not make these navy guys any more
comfortable that the Greek and Turkish governments
have been talking belligerently of late,
over some of the off-shore islands.
(I don't think any in the immediate neighborhood.)

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Two of the ten active gates into the medieval city of Rhodes.

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Disappointing news: the last place I know here to buy The Economist news magazine has closed up. My most valued single news source is gone!

The disappearance may be related to some kind of renovation to happen in the New Market center at Mandraki. I don't understand the details, but something disruptive is apparently planned there.

OTOH, I have discovered a great new hang-out cafe just south of the old city. Comfy sofas, good lighting, Greek coffee, ... a real find!

Now if I just had The Economist to read there!

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So the sun sets on the old year.
Mind you, the new year is now this year.
Panta Rhei and all that.
You never burn the same bridge twice.

See you this year
with this year's pictures!

Next: Island Hopping
Prev: Between the Years -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2019 Jeff Bulf