Fri 02.Feb.2018
Rhodes, Greece

February is here. I am a sort-of-short timer again. This week the weather has been less cold, but still Not Suitable For T-shirts. Tonight the pub is packed for some kind of musical entertainment that hasn't started yet. A commemorative show for somebody forty years or so dead. We shall see.
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I need to catch a sea gull in one of these harbor buoy photos some day. For years I've been sitting on a bad joke about buoy meets gull, and never gotten to use it.

I just had to move out to the pub patio - the light indoors is too dim - I needed to type everything too many times before it came out right.

(In junior high school, I tested 25th percentile in clerical aptitude. Hooda thunk it would come back to haunt me after all these years?)

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My cat mercy mission developed complications. The remaining teeth had to go. Brownie points to the doc, who had tried to save some of them, but they were already rotting, and hurt too badly for her to eat. It took the rest of the day and most of the next for the anaesthetics to wear off and she could walk coherently. Another day-and-a-bit for her appetite to return. You wouldn't guess what a leap of joy it can give you to see a cat eat some dry kibble! Right now she is apparently recoverng (again!) Cross fingers.

A toothless cat can eat dry food?!? It turns out they they can! Once the gum recovers, they can crunch the pellets between the gums. Who knew? Local cat people, that's who. They told me.

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Familiar words spelled really strange. This one took me most of a minute to work out. The picture helped.

Hint: in Spain, it would mean "omelettes"(!)

This torn safety barrier has the national colors of Spain.

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We had a couple of days last week of high winds, and seas to match.

The second day was crystal clear. The mountains on the (Anatolian) mainland looked almost local!

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In Summer, this fountain would be thronged by turistas, and I probably could not have gotten this image. Let's hear it for those clear windy days in Winter!

A sight I almost never see - reflection in a Greek coffee. Greek Coffee is brewed with a layer of tiny foam bubbles on the surface, making a reflection like this impossible. I must have let this one sit a long time while I was reading. I am sure that it was Greek coffee. I never have any other style in Greece.

Curiously, the Greek name for instant coffee is "stigmaio", as if there were a stigma attached to it!

(In a sense there is: the Greek noun for instant is stigmi!)

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