Wed 24.Jan.2018
Rhodes, Greece

Almost the last week of January here in Rhodes. Here come the first of this year's pictures of this year's island.
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Most of modern Rhodes is not medieval streets and ruins, but I live in the part that is. It colors my choice of subjects.

And of course the little tower by the harbor at the St Paul Gate never runs out of dances for its reflection to do.

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My ongoing cat-rescue adventure has reached an interesting stage: problems of success! The li'l thing has recovered some of her weight and a whole bunch of energy. Way too much energy to be a full-time one-room cat. But she is still kind of a scaredy cat (so to speak), and just hates to be outside if I am inside. So at about 6:00 am I have this hyperactive cat bouncing off the walls when all I want to do is sleep. If I stick her out in the kitchen, she cries at my door forever. I need to put her out on the stairs, cat box, food, and all, and prop the door closed with a chair, 'cause the latch is broken. This works for a couple of hours until somebody else comes along and opens the door.

She is learning though - goes under her own steam if I put fish-flavored cat food out there, and I think goes off in search of something to do. At least, she is not always right there when I go out later

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We may even have a plan for after I leave. The folks here have volunteered to feed her along with the "real" House Cat, and Ginger appears to tolerate her, if not exactly warmly. I have ordered kidney-friendly cat food (!) in bulk to leave for her. Those kidneys are likely to fail eventually, but we have bought her months, maybe even years. Ya does what ya can!

The little critter is older than I guessed. She used to live down the street, and refused to leave when her owner moved away about three years ago. That suggests that she was getting fed someplace nearby, before her teeth went rotten.

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What else is new? Not much actually. If there were much to tell, I'd have told it before now. (And this page would have been posted last week!)

The Winter has brought a few rains, but not really much.
Just enough to keep the air damp and my bones cold.
Too little for abundant puddle pictures. You'll see what there is.

Oh yes - a minor adventure. For as long as I have been coming here, the house wi-fi signal has been very uneven upstairs in the guest rooms. I get it adequately, but two of the other rooms get zilch. They need to sit in the (cold) patio to get on line! Well the three of us put our heads together and tried a fix involving power-line wi-fi extenders. Wadda fiasco! So two of us tried it again with a wireless extender - jackpot! We now have wi-fi strong and clear in all the rooms, to say nothing of the gratitude of my good host, who is rid of an annoying puzzle he didn't know how to solve without paying way too much money.

If Aprodite is reading this, no more moaning about freezing yr nalga off at the window in the Winter! :)

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A crane on the back of a boat in the harbor.

A fish-eye view of the crane might look something like this.

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I did not intend this to be a Hidden Cat Picture. It just came out that way of its own accord.

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More cats! Neither of these has anything to do with me. They live up at the New Market complex by Mandraki Harbor. I guess it is off season for them, like for everybody else here.

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So happy new year pix!
Hope everybody is off and sailing smoothly along.

Next: Rambling in February
Prev: Cats Down Under the Bar -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2018 Jeff Bulf