Fri 12.Jan.2018
Rhodes, Greece
Imagery date Dec 2017

I should just copy and paste my standard mantra here. Photos piling up, gotta get some more posted, the current batch is all laid out, waiting for words. How many of these pages have I started ths way?
Hmm... maybe that is the answer - this little moan might be my mental ritual that gets the words flowing.
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What the hey, I am still in Rhodes, the old city walls are still here.

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I am still in charge of a convalescing cat. I have no idea who to foist her on when I leave next month, but she definitely is staying in Rhodes when I go. I have learned how to say cat food and veterinarian in Greek. (If you must know, ask me).

If you live in Rhodes, and you would like a sweet-tempered affectionate cat startng in mid-February, let me know. (My odds are not great. There are plenty of cat-loving people here, but the supply of cats is huge.)

My landlords are good people, but their hands are full already. The House Cat is twice this little one's weight, and he is a real jerk to her. No way she could stay here. (Sad, but true.)

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In Other Furrin' Adventures, I took my chances with the recent Pixar movie Coco, Greek dubbing and all. I loved it. The animation carried enough of the storytelling to do the job, and I even understood a little more of the Greek than I expected. And my goodness the visuals are a delight! Hats off to the Pixar folks on this one!

That said, I am glad I was able to talk with somebody who had seen it in English, and could explain the bureaucratic importance of the photographs. That was the most important point that mystified me.

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In 2011 I posted this image of a pair of trees that had been ham-handedly whacked by the local tree-whacking squad. Artists these guys are not.

OTOH, things grow back very quickly here. I am pretty sure these are the same two trees now, from a bit further away.

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Some grand old landmarks have names even more grandiose than themselves. None more so than the Palace of the Grand Masters of the Knights of Rhodes, the crusaders who based themselves here from 1310 to 1522. (Nicely framed here from outsde the moat.)

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Fly me to the Moon!

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Cats Under the Bar.
Our four-footed buddy Ginger likes to sit at the bar with everybody else. He doesn't always have a drink in front of him like this.

That is it for 2017's pictures.
2018 coming up!

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Prev: New Year Tail -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2018 Jeff Bulf