Wed 03.Jan.2018
Rhodes, Greece

A few weeks of adventures that would have made tedious telling. A frail and sickly cat appears now to be on the road to recovery (cross fngers!).
She was losing weight and not eating. Many of us speculated (AIDS? leukemia?) Definitely bad painful teeth. That is why she wasn't eating.

Long story short: we took her to the vet, Friday before NYE. He removed eight or so rotten teeth and a bunch of ear lice, and maybe any parasites that his antibiotics might have gotten. Blood tests show no AIDS or leukemia (yay!), but weak kidneys.

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Epilogue: the vet sent the cat home with antibiotic pills to keep her poor gums from reinfecting while they heal. The dang pills taste so horrible, the the cat will have nothing to do with them or any food they are in! And she won't let my hands near her mouth now. I myself got a taste of a pill while I was trying to hide it in some tuna - I don't blame the poor cat!

But yesterday she stopped eating again, presumably because the gums were hurting from reinfection. I put a call for help on a Facebook page for people living in Rhodes, especially ex-pats. Don't think I have communicated with so many people in so few hours in my life.

Long epilogue short: the vet provided an injectable substitute medicine, and a new friend injected the cat, painlessly(!). She'll do it twice again. (Thanks!)

Today's Signspotting
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Does anybody remember the movie Spaceballs?
The (very good) bakery here in the old town is not run by idiots; they just make it as easy as possible for their customers to use the wi-fi!

Hey! It is not good that I am the only "customer" in Home Sweet Pub at this moment. But they are playing Grateful Dead for me, just out of the blue! Love these guys! Thanks, guys! (Right now, Jer is soaring through a slow Friend Of The Devil.)

Rhodes has more stray cats than anybody could save, but good-hearted people make heroic efforts. This one is the little-sung saint of the Mandraki breakwater.

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The tower of the St Paul Gate,
by a corner of Kolonna Harbor.

A late-afternoon selfie
at the St Catherine Gate.

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A really handy little kiosk near the entrance to the medieval moat.

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After a rain at the New Market.

Clean water, and a red-striped boat.

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The holiday cat distractions have caused a back-up of photos. There is at least one more page of last year's pix after this one. Good ole Rhodes - you don't need to look for pictures here, they come to you!

Next: Cats Under the Bar
Prev: Winter Flight -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2018 Jeff Bulf