Sun 18.Dec.2016
Rhodes, Greece

This page o' pix has been laid out for a week, waiting for words.
I'd better get it out soon, because there are already some interestng shots in the queue behind it.

Beethoven's birthday has come and gone, the Winter Solstice is almost here, and none too soon if the days start getting warmer as well as longer.
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Walking out the Red Gate for the Thursday market, whom do I see but my friend and host George, coming into the old city. Ths happens fairly often. Our repective timngs or something.

Fancy arches outside the Grandmaster's Palace.

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Does anybody know what this sign is talking about? Branded perfumes sounds sensible enough, but while you wait?!? Do they brand the perfumes right there on the spot? Sounds like the Marx Brothers' speakeasy in Horse Feathers, where a customer asks for two bottles of gin and one bourbon, and the barman takes two gin bottles and a bourbon bottle, and fills them all from the same spigot.

Ibrahim Pasha's minaret, looking good on a bright winter day.

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Somebody's solar-powered clothes dryer. Let's hear it for south/west-facing windows!

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Thursday at the market.

At the harbor.
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Semi-arid flora.
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A Danish friend figured out why it feels colder here sometimes than in Denmark. The Danish cold is dry cold. The cold here is humid; it chills you from the marrow outwards - like in the coastal redwood forests at home. All of which makes it ironic that semi-arid vegetation like cactus and yucca thrive so abundantly on our beautiful, dry, humid island.

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My most frequent company for brunch on the porch. He would probably like my Greek yogurt and local honey, if I gave him any. He gets a saucer of kefir in the evening. I don't want to put notions in hs furry little head.

We started this page going out the Red Gate. We may as well close it the same way.

Happy upcoming Solstice, Everybody!
It is real no matter what you believe,
and it influences everybody's life.
Hasta luego!

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf