Mon 14.Nov.2016
Rhodes, Greece

Mid-November already, and the Winter is not very serious yet here in Rhodes. Blue skies mostly though not today; moderate temperatures, ranging in the 60's F, or about 16-21 C. Today's photos are from last week, when the highs were actually low 70's F. Not too shabby for Europe in November.

I hope everybody north of the Alps is keeping warm and dry.
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This mural has nothing to do with the recent Day Of The Dead, which isn't really a Greek holiday. I think it is connected to a nearby bar in the cheesy bar district near the Marine Gate in the Old City.

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Fellow turistas on one of the medieval defenses near the harbor.

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More of the medieval defenses;
landward ...

... and seaward. This wall affords scenic vistas over the harbor that people rightly climb up those medieval stairs to see... and photograph. I've posted the results before. But I am jaded now, and elderly - haven't made the climb yet this year.

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After the first rain of the season, the canvas roof reappeared over the patio of Home Sweet Pub. Before that, you could have had this view through the ... what would you call this... sunroof?

That is my neighbor's window up there. My window is around that corner on the front of the building.

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A bonus from that rainy day I just mentioned - a fair-to-middling puddle-pic.

The St Paul Gate, which isn't even really a gate now, was built for defense, not beauty. By blind luck it has pictures galore in it. Being between Mandraki and Kolonna harbors, it even makes good reflections in the water.

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The breakwater at Kolonna harbor. The St Paul Gate is at the left end.

I've been lax on Thursday market pictures. It looks like it ever did. Here are some local onions basking in the afternoon sun.

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Did I mention last week's mild temperatures? Buncha people at Windy Beach, which was not at all living up to its name that afternoon.

The picnic-ers include some friends.

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And so the blue evening sky bids us adieu as Greece sinks ever further into the red.

"I hope y' understand, I just had to get back to the island." - R.I.P. Leon Russel

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf