Mon 31.Oct.2016
Rhodes, Greece

Brr... Summer time's come and gone, as they say! Rain since this morning here in Rhodes, and temps in the 60's F. Time to zip the lower leggings back on to my cargo pants.

Yesterday was Sunday - no chance to buy an umberella before the rain started, and I am not going out in this without one. Even more important: come up with a remote for my room heater/AC!
The rain is supposed to clear out tomorrow, but the drop in temperature is for the duration, and likely to continue over the coming months.

All of today's pictures are from the past week, before Winter arrived.
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The golden hour in a grove near Mandraki Harbor.

As always, Greek is a rich source of familiar words with funny spelling.

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Probably the last time this season you will see either of these businesses open.

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In the ruins of the Basilica of St Michael.

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Afternoon drinks two days ago with English friends, some just arrived from England.

Their weather tracked them, perhaps on Facebook, and followed.

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An afternoon wedding at the little church around the corner from me. The likely destination of these folks coming in through the San Francisco Gate.

The medieval moat provides spectacular vistas of the old city's fortifications.

Winter - an apt Halloween gift from Mother Nature, I suppose.
Happy Celebrations, everybody!

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf