Fri 28.Oct.2016
Rhodes, Greece

It is No Day in Greece. Many shops are closed, including the laundromat and supermarket.
No Day commemorates the refusal of the Greek dictator Metaxas to allow the Italian dictator Mussolini to occupy Greece without a fight.

A major patriotic holiday here. In this case, Greeks say "yes" to no!
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Most admirably, I have never seen any Christmas hype here in Rhodes before December and the actual Christmas season. I recently noticed that some of the overhead lights remain in place in the non-season, but they are not turned on. They just sit there inconspicuously, biding their time.

A colorful yacht in Mandraki Harbor.

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A reflecting puddle - I don't think from rain - we haven't had any, and we need it badly.

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I like both the sepia ...

... and color versions of this picture.
That means you get to see them both.

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The tall grass in the moat is short grass this year - more like a lawn.

Used to be it got cut once a year, and grew back. Now somebody is keeping it trimmed.

Little fish in the harbor.

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A couple of dozen freelance cats live on the Mandraki Harbor breakwater. A few people have taken it on themselves to do what they can for them.

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At the entrance to the ancient harbor.

Some fellow turistas on the breakwater.


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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf