Sun 23.Oct.2016
Rhodes, Greece

Still a lovely October here at the far corner of Europe, albeit cooler. Nights now require long trowsers and sleeves.

I have a bunch of pictures tonight, so on with the show!

The Red Gate
One of The Eleven named gates into the Old City.
We will see others of them too.
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Going out.

Coming in.

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A distant glimpse of the Virgin Gate, framed by the ruins of the Church of the Virgin of the Burg. "Burg"?!? A rather Germanic-sounding name for these parts. It turns out that the crusaders who left such a mark on the old city were largely Frankish.
In any case, the name "Burg" meant that this church was for the "burghers" i.e. townsfolk, as opposed to the knights, who had their own churches in the their own part of town.

I am not touching a straight line about live sax!

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The D'Amboise Gate
Beneath the Grandmasters' Palace
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Moat's-eye view.

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A beach on the edge of the ferry harbor. Myself, I wouldn't trust the water quality right here. There is a reason that most beachgoers use the beaches up by the tip of the island.

Thankfully, I remember what this was; I'd never have figured it out from looking at the photo.
This is - so help me - a sidewalk. The light patterns come from the sun reflecting off the windows of a car.

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Outside the Old City as such, but it still looks old. In a residential neighborhood on the ridge above the old town.

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A non-harbor reflection. A fountain in the new town.

Well, it is a bark, anyway.

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Standing in a shaft of light" - J. Barlow

That is it for tonight.
More pictures are already in the queue, so it is time to get these out there.

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf