Mon 10.Oct.2016
Rhodes, Greece

Early October has gifted us with a week or so of delightful mild sunny days. Daytime temps in the mid 20's C (mid 70's F), spectacularly clear skies. I hope I don't jinx it by posting about it!
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We start off today down at the harbor.
There is probably a cruise ship nearby - we will get to that soon.

This here is a yacht of some sort.

The prow of a small boat in a low sunlight.

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The St Paul Gate was the old entrance to the Old City from Mandraki Harbor. Nowadays it is just an historic pedestian way to Kolona Harbor, which fronts directly on the old town.

The view is spectacular from the walls and windows. I've shown it before, and will again.

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The way in to town from the D'Amboise Gate. In the early 1500s, this walkway was commanded by a row of cannons on the battlement to the left. After 1522 the cannon were probably not an issue. With the Ottomans in charge, there were no real enemies to defend against.

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For a furriner, Greek spelling of foreign words can surprise, illuminate, and entertain.

Love that spelling of JKR's name!

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The harbor front is not the only place you can see cruise ships from. Those suckers tower over the medieval town walls.

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Restoration work afoot on Recep Pasha's historic little mosque. I learned the other day that it is special for being the design of a famous Ottoman architect.

The hammering and power-tooling have been known to wake me up in the morning, but it is nothing I can't get back to sleep through.

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf