Tue 16.Feb.2016
Rhodes, Greece

Short time already - Two weeks from last Sunday, I'll be back in California, and the pace of these photo pages is the slowest I can remember. If I get this one out today, I might manage one more for this season.

Here we go - more photo phoolery from the phar corner of Europe!
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I've been sitting on this picture since there were tourists at the outdoor cafes in the courtyard of the New Market complex up in the New Town. If I were to wait until April or so, I could pass it off as current again.

These window panels show mostly reflections, mixed with bits of the scene inside the cafe.

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The familiar windmills on the breakwater at Mandraki Harbor.

After a rain in the Old City. My window is at the lower center.

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The Windy Side.

The Less Windy Side.

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The Marine Gate, from inside the city.

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In the medieval city.

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Last Saturday night, downstairs in the common room. I never did learn whether this was scheduled or spontaneous. It is not rare, when people are gathered together, for instruments to materialize, and music to spring up like grass after a rain. You gotta love a place where people are like that.

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf