Thu 28.Jan.2016
Rhodes, Greece

Around Home
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(Greek spelling.)

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Today's fun with furrin words: ACID in Greek is OXY, as in oxygen and oxymoron.

Oxygen ("acid-maker") is actually mis-named; it was once (mistakenly) believed to be the key element in acids. That key element turned out actually to be hydrogen ("water-maker"), but it was too late to change the names. (I am sure that I learned more important stuff in high school chemistry, but that is what I remember. Now that I am retired, it matters not a whit!)

Boric Oxy (pictured) is useful against the occasional cockroaches that would otherwise show up in my bathroom.

Dang Mediterranean countries! They let the feral giraffes wander the streets just like people. This one has a job standing outside a bar in the new town. He would be leaving giraffe scat all over the sidewalk if he weren't made of plastic.

The Thursday Market
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A fruit vendor.

A flower stall.
Its tender/vendor is around somewhere.

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I still don't have the hang of cloudy day photography. I like light and shadow!

Still, Winter gives me plenty of opportunity to practice.

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A colorful little side street
that I often use on my daily exercise walks.

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This is a reflection of a boat, not scum on the water (of which Rhodian waters are thankfully free, even in the harbors).

The New Town, from the lower slopes of the ridge called - so help me - Monte Smith.

Hmm... a month from today I am outta here, and in Athens for a night.
What is worse than a night in Athens?
Catching the airport bus at 3:45am to leave Athens the next morning.

The countdown hasn't begun, but the planning has.
Hasta next time!

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf