Wed 09.Mar.2016
Rhodes, Greece

A familiar tale by now; I've been back in California for a week and a half, sitting on a buch of Rhodes pictures.

Jet lag? Senility? Plain old sloth?
What the hey, let's get on with it!
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Winter afternoons.
There isn't much left of Winter.

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The Mandraki Harbor Breakwater

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You can be walking around the medieval city, and suddenly find much older ruins, usually with signs telling you about them. All I remember about the sign on this one is that it is a Byzantine fortification. Byzantine here means Roman Empire. It could cover anything from 100 or so BC to 1400 AD or later. Anything after about 1300 would probably be identified as Crusader, so I expect this is older. To a Californian, it all just looks like Really Old Stuff.

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"... out to the Windy Beach ..."
There is a different official name, but people call it Windy Beach, with good reason.

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It is amazing how many colors the harbor water ...

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... can produce on a single afternoon!

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The former "death zone" outside the moat. Now it is more like an extension of the Palace Gardens. The greenery backlights most attractively before sunset.

Host and friend, in the doorway of Home Sweet Pub.

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If this isn't the most-photographed view in Rhodes city, it must be a shoo-in for first runner-up. The Kolonna Harbor breakwater, and Fort Saint Nicolas, framed by the Virgin Gate

Dusk at the main tourist square, just inside the Marine Gate. The little news stand stays open, even when most other businesses don't.

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All content copyright 2016 Jeff Bulf