Fri 04.Dec.2015
Rhodes, Greece

Hm... December already, and one vendor at yesterday's Thursday market still had grapes, most of which were still delicious. I wonder whether he is importing them; the rising proportion of overripe ones suggests they may really be local, or at least from the local (Dodecanese) islands. The mandarins are in full swing; the deceptively runty-looking local pears still explode with juicy sweetness when you bite them. The Greek roach coach still offers greasy spoon souvlaki pita for brunch. A good market season, or would be if the vendors were making more money at it.
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There really should be a human in this picture, to show the scale of the old city walls. I am impatient; I got tired of waiting.

Pebble art in the sidewalks and courtyards! Rhodes is full of this stuff.

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At the Harbor

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The wonderful low-angle, clear midday light of Winter is here again. It turns market vegetable stalls into good still life subjects. In past seasons, I've posted every shot of them that I can think of, short of photoshopping them into avant-garde poster art. Today I'll settle for these garlics standing up in the sun.

Does this picture make you more or less likely to order this fish? Answers will be judged on originality over plausibility.

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Crossing the moat
A metaphor for life



Around the house
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That really is the new color of my shared kitchen. I doubt that I'd have chosen it, but I live comfortably with it. I care much more about whether the hot water works. (It does - yay!)

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Everybody keep warm, keep your cool, and don't get stressed out by the holiday season!
Kalo Xristougenna!

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All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf