Sat 28.Nov.2015
Rhodes, Greece

I am thankful that here in Rhodes, Thanksgiving was just one more Thursday, with a few good people on hand. I celebrated by listening to hours of music on end (mostly Weather Report, with a bit of 70's Grateful Dead for dessert). The weekly street market bore me mandarins, grapes(!), honey, a pair of jeans, these deceptively wimpy-looking local pears that explode with juice and sweetness when you bite them, and a good greasy spoon souvlaki pita for brunch.

A good lazy, partly rainy day; I even forbore to go up to the tip of the island and observe Turkey. And today was a very ordinary Friday, with only the usual spectrum of Aegean colors.

Hope everybody had a peaceful and happy Thanksgobbling in their own way!

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My most frequent visitor in my room here in Rhodes. Usually he curls up On my bed, but he also like the clothes cupboard and the tall wardrobe where I stash my travel pack. So far, he has not brought any lions back out of the wardrobe.

I don't know this cat. He (she?) hangs out up at the New Market complex in the New City, where I get my weekly dose of The Economist and the occasional New York Times.

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Municipal Archaeology Museum
For six winters, I have walked past the Rhodes Archaeology Museum. Recently, I put out my six euros, and went inside.
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Some of the nicest parts of inside are actually outside, i.e. the museum gardens.

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Bonus Section
I have already shown these last few shots on FaceBook, but that is no reason for the rest of the world not to see them.
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Quis quis quid
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All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf