Thu 22.Oct.2015
Rhodes, Greece

Fall on an island again. Fall the season, not the verb. Rhodes is as photogenic as ever. T-shirt temperatures have reigned so far, though long pants have replaced short ones in the evenings for the last week or so. Not too shabby for European Autumn.
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The hisbiscus flowers are still in season here. Glad to see them.

Tendrils by evening light on a biggus ficus tree. The color and light on the tendrils is right, but the tree bark came out looking like concrete.

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Last week, the cruise ships were thick in the harbor. They have faded off startlingly quickly from mid-October. The big ones still tower over the the medieval town.

Home Sweet Room, with a couple of posters for house concerts back in the Bay Area.

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There is a beach and cove on the island named for the 20th century movie star Anthony Quinn. Like many foreign words, his name gets buffeted sometimes in changes of alphabet and pronuciation.

For all that, they do better here with foreign alphabets than most foreigners do with Greek!

Words that sound more familiar than they look.

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This beach has transformed in less than three weeks since I took this photo. If you had been there today, you would have had it almost to yourself.

That is the city aquarium in the distance, at the very northern tip of the island. The mountains across the water are the Bodrum Peninsula in Turkey.

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Is it just me? Day-glow orange seems to be a popular color for boat buoys this season. Or perhaps, like a magpie or barracuda, I am attracted to shiny objects.

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Photos are accumulating faster than I can think of things to say with them. (In Rhodes?!? Gee!) See you all later!

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All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf