Sun 11.Oct.2015
Rhodes, Greece

I went and layed out a second page of Prague pictures, then realized there was nothing new in them: they were little but a repeat of the same scenes as the first page. Oops!
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So... back to the island! Repeating your photos works far better in Rhodes than in most places.

What better place to start than Platonos St., home of the landromat, the local "supermarket" (both off-camera), and best Greek home-style restaurant in town, Yiannis. The real thing, within 50m of the hardest core schlock of the main tourist street. Rhodes is full of surprises!

If you are walking into town from the cruise ship pier, the harbor bottom can be worth a glance.

The skyline at evening - shapely as ever!
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I did have some adventures getting here. Flash floods put a hole in the runway at Rhodes airport, leaving me stranded for the night at Paris' vast, impersonal airport. Aegean Air sprang for a room for me at an airport hotel, which was pretty decent, since the runway wasn't their doing, and the room cost twice the price of the same thing at the same hotel chain in the city proper.

OTOH, it would have been nicer to have spent about six more hours in the city instead of waiting at the gate at the airport. Le sigh!

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It hasn''t really rained since I have been here. I forget what produced this little puddle on Omiros St.

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The San Francisco Gate, with its bridge over the moat.

Love those city walls!

Two weeks here, and I am already sitting on a stack of photos worth posting. A real challenge to my elderly laziness. See you soon with the next set.

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All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf