Wed 30.Sep.2015
Prague, Czech Republic

I have arrived in Rhodes for the Winter, and am already accumulating photos of this photogenic island. But they must wait a bit; I still have a page of Prague to post. Who would want me to skip over Europe's most beautiful capital?
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Prague?!? What happened to Bratislava?
The Slovak capital has (very) poor air connections to North America. From Prague, I flew to San Francisco with one connection at Paris, at a significantly lower fare than from Vienna or Germany. In fact, lower than from Paris. Go figure!

Opportunistically, I treated myself to a couple of nights in this dazzling city.

Most of today's photos center around the river Vltava, often called Moldava, known to classical music fans by its German name Moldau.

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The Charles Bridge is far more than just a bridge over the Moldau. It is a major city square, filled with strollers, buskers, sculpture, and spectacular views of the Prague Castle on its hill.

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This may be the same troupe that I saw a week or so earlier in Bratislava. How many Hare Krishnas can there be who hang around that part of Europe.

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Old Town Square - chock full of colorful attractions, and dominated by the towers of the nearby Tyn Church.

If I post a second page of Prague photos, some will doubtless be from Old Town Square.

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Boat rentals on the Moldau seem very popular. Most are pedal boats, some whimsically decorated like this "car".

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Somebody is sure to take issue with my claim that Prague is the most beautiful European capital. Perhaps it is an impossibly sweeping judgement. But on a gorgeous late Summer day, there can be no doubt! Certainly not while you are here.

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Next: Rhodes Again
Prev: Palace Gardens -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf