Sat 11.Apr.2015
Rhodes, Greece

Dinner time in Rhodes! I am digging in to a piping hot spinach saganaki in the common room here at Home Sweet Pub. The "hot" part is especially appreciated. It has been a cold season here. The daily high temperature has not reached 20°C since I arrived ten days ago. That means highs in the mid-60's°F. Nights in the low-to-mid 50's.
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OTOH Rhodes is still a neat place to be.
Here is the view over breakfast, from the little landing outside my front door.

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The medieval moat is a fine place to admire the old city's crusader-era fortifications. Also a favorite place for joggers, dog walkers, and sightseers.

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I took these flowers for nasturtiums, because of their deep red color. I am informed by the botanically aware that they are actually poppies, even if their color is very differently from my familiar California poppies.

They add a dash of vivid color to the moat in this season of Spring.

Home Sweet Pizza Pub
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At the D'amboise Gate
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The bridge over the moat.

Inside the gate, some local musicians playing for tips. One of them is a friend. I usually tip street musicians anyway. Perhaps they remind me of when I played guitar many decades ago.

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The square root of time sounds like poetic imagery. But the minus sign before time throws it into the realm of higher physics. In the modern model of space-time, the square of a distance in time is negative. Whether this is what the shopkeeper had in mind... your guess is as good as mine.

'Nuff said!

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No passing for cars on Homer Street. I'm not sure cars are really supposed to be on this section at all, but what the hey...

I am about to follow those people across the moat, and into the old city through the Red Gate.

Ouzo! A distinctly Greek firewater that tastes like licorice, of all things.

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All content copyright 2015 Jeff Bulf