Tue 21.Jan.2014
Rhodes, Greece

The dance of sun and planet swings a little further along. The sky is not quite dark at 5:30 now; it month ago it was dark at 5:00. The wind has lost its bite, even if t-shirt moments are still rare.
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No live music tonight, so the common room is sparsely occupied. I'm digesting a soup and shrimp, and listening to acoustic music on the house stereo. The center of musical gravity is somewhere around Django Rinehart, but it is covering a lot of ground. The common thread is acoustic guitars. Hmm... I know they have some David Grisman albums here, just maybe ...

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This funny-looking tree suffered a ham-handed "pruning" shortly after I shot this photo. Everything is lopped off indiscriminately above an arm's reach or so high. It will grow back by next season; things grow big and quickly here, look at the huge ficuses. Still, some of the old city greenery looks like Rome after the Goths right now.

Let none decry the ignorance of island life. This store front in the tourist district has complex numbers, and Minkowsi space-time, in which the square of a distance in time is negtive (i.e. the universe of special relativity)! Is this the sign's real intention? I doubt it. I don't remember now what knd of business it was, or even exactly where. If I can find it again, I'll check.
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Minkowski's geometric description of special relativity was enough simpler than Einstein's, that Einstein himself built on it, and worked with Minkowski, to derive general relativity.

But I digress, to say the least! (Couldn't resist a chance to plug the elegant beauty of space and time.)

Truth in Presentation: I tweaked the saturation and enhanced the contrast on the close-up photo of " - time ". The original was too washed-out to use, and I wanted badly to show the subject.
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As I learn how to use an image editor, I feel a growing battle of conscience. Until recently, I either used all photos "as is", or passed over them. Now I am starting to feel the temptation to pimp up an unconscionable number of them. So...? I'm discovering that the "warts and all" candor of the thing feels important.

Nothing like a good internal wrestling match!

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I wish this guy would park here by daylight: A beautifully complete, painted and polished Fiat 500 from the early 1960's! Contemporary of such quaint classics as the Renault Dauphin and the Goggomobil. A living museum piece, and it parks every now and then under the nearest biggus ficus in the square outside. At night. Sigh.

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Laundry, with saturation enhanced. Mea culpa. I imagine I'll serve an extra week in Heck for this.

Thursday poured rain, and Saturday was dully overcast. Given that choice, this week's market pictures come from Saturday.
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'Cept for this one from indoors at the supermarket. Why don't I see this stuff in California?

Fuji apples! Slightly less crisp than earlier in the season, but still tasty suckers!

Note the Greek spelling of Fuji.

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Cloudy day textures from the street market.

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So, as "the Earth rolls along, like a marble in the gutter", we start our last month here in Rhodes.
For this season.

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All content copyright 2014 Jeff Bulf