Tue 07.Jan.2014
Rhodes, Greece

Meet the new year - same as the old year, 'cept for one torrential day of rain in the first week. No photos here of that; Yrs Trly stayed indoors.
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A number of cats and dogs hang around this gravelled parking lot behind the ruins of St Michael's Basilica. Or in front of the ruins of St Spyridon's, take your pick. If Greece has anything in abundance, it is ruins and saints.

I've seen cats on the car tops before. Perhaps this dog figured that if they can, he can.

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Our regular weekly feature, last week's street market. Last Saturday's, actually. Thursday was too rainy to mess with it.

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For something so useless as food, bell peppers can be great as decorations.

Just a few ripple pictures this week, from Mandraki, the ancient barbor.

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A puddle in an anonymous residential neighborhood, walking home from the Saturday market, a mile or so south of the old city. Few if any tourist shops down here, and it helps in doing business if you can muster at least elementary Greek. Mine is more like rudimentary, but I manage when I need to.

This puddle is in Sophocleous Square, in the heart of the old city. It might have been here seasonally back in medieval times, if such a claim could mean anything.

With the Gold of Sunshine
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Sophocleous catches the last light of the Winter sun in a lovely way when the weather cooperates, as good a way to end a page as any.

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All content copyright 2014 Jeff Bulf