Wed 27.Nov.2013
Rhodes, Greece

Wednesday. Laundry day in the weekly rhythm of my life here. I have not been taking pictures of the landromat; let's look at some other stuff.
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The chef here at Home Sweet Pub makes a tasty shrimp saganaki. The price depends on which blackboard you read. One of the joys of doing business in Greece.

In this case it has less to do with variable island pricing, than with thinking about something else while you write the menu on the blackboard.

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I see more or less this view every day before I start to descend my treacherous stairs to go out. The open window belongs to one of the other rooms here. Until recently, my friend Aphrodite occupied it, but she leaves the island when beach season is irretrievably over. Since I come here for the Winter, we overlap for a couple of months at most.

C'est la vie!
Si! Yo también se la vi!

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Mandraki Harbor

Yet another ripple picture of this sightseeing sub. At least the details are always different. Let's hear it for the chaotic geometry of fluid dynamics!

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When you say "Greek island", most people's first image is of whitewashed walls and blue trim. That is real, but it is typical of the Cyclades group, up in the central Aegean. Santorini, Mykonos, places like that.

Out here in the Dodecanese, tradition runs more to earth tones, sandstone and limestone.

Water: it drops from the skies, it sloshes and flows all around the island, it carries the ships that supply us with goods and tourist spending. It gets the local boat owners over to Turkey and back. A friend's dog is holed up over there with another friend while his owner is visiting Scotland.
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The harbor has no lack of personal boats, and plenty of commercial yachts like this one, from diving and sightseeing companies. Most of these have probably made their last trip of the season.

At the large end of the boat scale, the cruise ship Queen Elizabeth was here a week or so ago. She didn't used to call at Rhodes when I began wintering here. I expect we are a substitute for some Middle Eastern or Egyptian port that is no longer a comfortable cruise destination. They could do worse.

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The H²O has been dropping from the skies copiously for about a week, until today, which felt heavenly just for having sun and blue sky. The rain puddles aren't lasting very long; this picture was gone by the end of the afternoon.

Passing the old city's only active mosque during a break in the rain, a voice inside starting singing, clearly and beautifully. Through the door I saw a dozen or more worshippers. The singer held a microphone, which he presently passed to somebody else who began his own song. Standing on the porch was not very comfortable, and I was not about to crash their gathering, so I settled for a photo of the assembly of shoes by the door. They seemed somehow colorful despite the cold grey light of the day.

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The planet Venus is in this evening photo. You can see it slightly right of center if you click on the photo to enlarge it.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf