Fri 15.Nov.2013
Rhodes, Greece

A lazy Autumn. How long since I have posted any pictures? Maybe just a lazy wanderer.

Local Flora
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The third or so storm of the season moved through last night. Torrential rain of near-tropical volumes. The thunder was not fully Wagnerian yet, but it is working its way in that direction. The season is yet young.

The medieval city streets are not made for that kind of downpour. The square and street out front were rivers, the narrow streets nearby even more so. Water got in to the kitchen in the pub here, and left the owner a bit of a mess when he opened this morning.

Up On The Hill
at the Ancient Acropolis.
It is a hike up there; I don't do it every day.
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I'm told that this kind of torrential downpour has only become a regular thing in the last few years, that rain traditionally here is less intense. Island memories carry feelings well, but I'd like to see actual records too. They must exist.

By the end of today, the sky was all but cloudless again, with a lovely golden light on the walls and the Grandmaster's Palace at sunset. Not even enough clouds for a real sunset in the usual sense. Give it until New Year's for that one.

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Each time a storm like this passes, the day and night temperatures are a few degrees lower after than they had been before. I have probably worn for the last time the short pants that I got last Summer in Croatia.

No photos from yesterday's Thursday market - it was too cloudy. The plums have gone the way of the seasons. I had to try four vendors before finding grapes firm enough to buy; end of their season too, apparently. But the clementines are finally here in force, and one vendor had edible mandarins already. Between them, those little orange citrus balls are one of the joys of Winter on this island between the worlds.

The fountain near the entrance to Mandraki Harbor
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If I knew the way...
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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf