Thu 05.Dec.2013
Rhodes, Greece

For a predicted week of rain, we aren't doing badly. Two rainless days in a row, with even some nice sun. Cold though, for Rodos - 50's F highs. I bought a flannel shirt today at the Thursday street market, where it was a fraction the cost that a department store like Marks & Spencer would have charged. Wear it under my light jacket, and I am set, as long as I don't visit any Swiss or Slovak friends.
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Beginning at home
The patio and the common room at Home Sweet Pub.

These turkish lamps have always been a staple in the tourist shops. This year, they seem to be a hot decoration for businesses too.

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Our old buddy Queen Elizabeth was back yet again, though you'd never have guessed it from the tourist traffic in the streets. Either they all went down to visit Lindos, or the Queen is running nearly empty.

Dept of familiar words spelled funny ways.
Who can find Robert Redford's name in Greek spelling in this movie poster? Hint: it is very visible.

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Medieval stuff, and older.
A Byzantine church.

You rarely see the word Roman here. Roman stuff is called Byzantine. Rhodes was in the eastern (Byzantine) half of the Roman Empire, which lasted many centuries after Rome itself and the western half of the empire fell.

The (medieval) Grandmaster's Palace, from across the moat.

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As Winter moves in, Great Sunset Season comes with it. We had our best so far of the season on Thanksgiving. Remember Thanksgiving?

Here in Greece, the holiday was just another Thursday, but the Thursday had a great sunset, so let's dwell on it for a few frames.

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Spot the crow? And the second one?

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In this image, the crow is on the wing, and vice-versa.

And so, as Greece sinks slowly into the red ...
Enough with that joke already!
This is the first time I've used it this season!
And it is still all too true.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf