Tue 29.Oct.2013
Rhodes, Greece

"... visits undertaken ... to consult me upon a Point of Style,
or an infinitive that had somehow split like a string bean in the heat of composition."
- Lawrence Durrell, Reflections on a Marine Venus

No Day in Greece today. Had I known about the parade up by the New Town, I'd probably have gone.

Instead, I enjoyed a surprisingly quiet and blindingly bright afternoon in the moat and the medieval Old City. Cool air, but not cold, warm sun, but not hot. And just a tad hazy. So how did this blazing brilliance get into the sunlight? The magic of Rhodes, to use a metaphor, as one does when there is no real explanation.
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What is with these pictures of ordinary streets thronged with people?

Kind if a do-it-while-it-lasts thing. Those streets will be empty and contemplative within a few weeks. The feeling of aliveness is envigorating.

If my words did glow
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Ripples again in Mandraki Harbor.

Domestic life
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The old hotel brochure trick: photograph the room from the very edge, against the wall. The room looks huge in the picture. Still, I have the luxury room here - two of the others are closet-size, and the third is at the back of the building; its windows are fewer, and look out on very little. I also get the strongest wi-fi signal of the four, which is saying less than I could wish. Dang stone walls and concrete slab floors!

Nobody cares about the age, sex or species of my visitors.

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This Week's Market Pictures
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All right, I'm a sucker for bright sun on bins of fruit and vegetables.

What can I say?

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I asked what these knobby-skinned fruits are. I thought the vendor said "limes". Then she offered me one to sniff. Sunnuvagun! Little though it looked it, it was a lime!

I think there is some oddball EU regulation against selling oddly-shaped fruit and veggies. Lot's of luck enforcing that in the Greek islands.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf