Wed 23.Oct.2013
Rhodes, Greece

Sitting in the slightly chilly patio of Pub Sweet Home, listening to juju music of all things. Happy stuff, and a welcome digression from the 70's rock that is the center of musical gravity here. There are several orders ahead of mine in the kitchen, so here we go while I wait for my shrimp saganaki, whatever exactly that turns out to be. The chef here has never let me down yet.
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Winter Light!
North of the Alps, the expression is all but an oxymoron. Here in Rhodes it is the glow of wonder.

If I had my druthers, I'd still rather be warm, but the light does its best to make it up to you for Winter, which isn't really even here yet. The nights let you know that it is coming.

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As the season turns, the harbors are bearing ripple pictures like fruit ripening in an orchard.

This glass-bottom boat is built more like a submarine. The passengers sit below the water line and look through windows in the side of the hull.

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Mystery Picture
I have a vague memory of taking this photo and hoping I would remember what it is. Then I forgot about it until I was editing photos for this page. I like the picture, but what is it? Not a clue. My best guess is some kind of rain puddle on concrete or asphalt.

Guesses are welcome, and will be judged on entertainment value. Plausibility strictly optional.

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Evening at Suleiman's Minaret

Looking south.

Looking west.

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These evening skyline scenes get better as Winter approaches. St Spyridon's derelict little church tower provides a visual anchor.

Daily life isn't all Crusaders and hibisci, nor even goats upon the battlements. Last week my bathroom got a long-needed re-build. Several growing sources of water on the floor have been vanquished, thanks to our local handyman/plumber, who turns out to be the husband of a friend's daugher.

The shrimp saganaki arrived, and was delicious. Medium-sized shrimp, feta chunks, some other vegetable pieces, in a red mediterranean sauce, reminiscent of provencal. George cooks way above and beyond the call of duty for pizza pub.
Count yr blessings!

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf