Wed 13.Mar.2013
Rhodes, Greece

An honest-to-goodness Spring day today! 75°F here in California.
If I don't think of something to say on this page soon, I'll be faced with posting three or so pages of winter photos in the Spring. Or waiting until I return to Europe, and composing pages in suitably shivery temperatures there.
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Whee... this stuff works in soft-focus too. Claude M. Pioneered the way again.

An entire page of nothing but impressionist silliness today - the visual equivalent to an all-jam musical set.

It might be that such a mass of swirly reflections will simply dull the visual palate.
If so, try choosing one or two to savor at a session. (Or ignore the whole thing until I post something sensible.)
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For years I have said that many visual effects that we achieved chemically in the 60's are commonly done digitally now.

I clean neglected the most venerable method of all: optically!

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I believe this is the same skimmer barge I showed two posts ago.

OK for tonight.
More Rhodes to come, some of it actually representational.

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Prev: On Dry Land -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf