Thu 21.Mar.2013
Rhodes, Greece

I am getting near the end of the Rhodes pictures for this season.
Many that remain are alternate takes of subjects we have seen already.
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Fun with words


Seafood Store
Fresh Fish Daily

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The once-familiar Grandmaster's Palace.

Crane perched on a yacht.

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Yes, back to another big helping of ripple. Sometimes all of these start looking the same to me, and sometimes the uniqueness of each makes it look special, now matter how many others are similar.

I know that I don't get tired of them.

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Here is one of those alternate takes - an alternate framing, actually.

I am done with all of my spring scans and checkups.
Expect to be on the road again on the 10th of April.
¡Hasta luego!

Next: Paris & the Door Into Spring
Prev: Impressions Galore -- Up: Table of Contents

All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf