Sat 09.Mar.2013
Rhodes, Greece

Catching up on February...

Who remembers the old Mandrake the Magician newspaper strip?
Mandrake was always gesturing hypnotically. It was his schtick.
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OK, it was some while back. I don't remember seeing it since the 1950's or so.

Of the several harbors in Rhodes, Mandraki has been the richest trove of hypnotic ripple photos.

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A mirrored object d'art in the display window of a lamp and furniture store.
The background trees are reflections in the window.

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Somebody whose actual job is to keep the harbor clean. I am glad to see it. Way too much plastic trash gets thrown in nearby Kolonna harbor. But it does get skimmed up now and then, perhaps by this boat.

Hmm... the sign is in English, not Greek. I wonder what is with that.

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What do you know - actual construction work on Recep Pasha's Mosque, across the square from my room! These plywood supports probably make it safer for workers to operate on the actual structure. That even looks like scaffolding on the left, in the part of the portico that collapsed with such racket at 3:00 am in December 2011.

Mind you, the job is not done yet, but actual work going on is a hopeful sign. Tune in next winter.

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All content copyright 2013 Jeff Bulf